Local Membrane Curvature Pins and Guides Excitable Membrane Waves in Chemotactic and Macropinocytic Cells - Biomedical Insights From an Innovative Simple Model
M. Hörning, T. Bullmann and T. Shibata,
Frontiers Cell and Developmental Biology, 9, 2467, 2021
doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.670943
Brief Summary: ''... Here, using 3D spatial fluctuation and phase map analysis on actin polymerization inhibited Dictyostelium cells, we reveal a spatial asymmetry of PIP3 signaling on the membrane that is mediated by the contact perimeter of the plasma membrane — the spatial boundary around the cell-substrate adhered area on the plasma membrane. We show that the contact perimeter guides PIP3 waves and acts as a pinning site of PIP3 phase singularities, that is, the center point of spiral waves. The contact perimeter serves as a diffusion influencing boundary that is regulated by a cell size- and shape-dependent curvature. ...''