3D DNA origami pincers that multitask on giant unilamellar vesicles. Zhan et al. Science Advances 10, eadn8903 (2024)

30. August 2024 /

Proteins self-assemble to function in living cells. They may execute essential tasks in the form of monomers, complexes, or supramolecular cages via oligomerization, achieving a sophisticated balance between structural topology and functional dynamics. The modularity and programmability make DNA origami unique in mimicking these key features. Here, we demonstrate three-dimensional reconfigurable DNA origami pincers (DOPs) that multitask on giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). By programmably adjusting their pinching angle, the DOPs can dynamically control the degree of GUV remodeling. When oligomerized on the GUV to form origami cages, the DOP units interact with one another and undergo reorganization, resulting in the capture, compartmentalization, and detachment of lipid fragments. This oligomerization process is accompanied with membrane disruptions, enabling the passage of cargo across the membrane. We envisage that interfacing synthetic cells with engineered, multifunctional DNA nanostructures may help to confer customized cellular properties, unleashing the potential of both fields. 

For reference, see  3D DNA origami pincers that multitask on giant unilamellar vesicles. Zhan, P. , Yang, J., Ding, L., Jing, X., Hipp, K., Nussberger, S., Yan, H. & Liu, N. Science Advances 10: 1-7, eadn8903 (2024)




Abteilung Biophysik, Institut für Biomaterialien und biomolekulare Systeme, Universität Stuttgart

Pfaffenwaldring 57 , D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany

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