Teaching by the Dept. of Neurobiology

Lectures and Courses

We offer a range of lectures and practical course in animal and human physiology and neuroscience topics for students in technical biology, medical engineering and related disciplines

Bachelor Program

  • Lecture “Animal and Human Physiology” 
    (Summer term)

  • Lab Course Technical Biology IV: Animal and Human Physiology
    (Summer term)

Master Program 

Teaching in English

For Bachelor and Master students, we offer lectures and Journal Clubs on Neuroscience topics. 
Students from technical biology and other courses of study are welcome!
  • Lecture Course: Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
    (Summer term)
  • Neuroscience Journal Club
    (Summer term and Winter term)

Courses for other programs

(Engineering Cybernetics, Medical Engineering, Mathematics)

  • Module Neuronal Systems
    (Winter term)

  • Systemic Physiology
    (Sommer term)





Abt.Neurobiologie, Institut für Biomaterialien und biomolekulare Systeme

Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart

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