General Information
- Lecturer
- Term
- Credits
12 ETCS (including lab course), 6 ETCS (without lab course)
- Language
German or English
- Schedule
Thursdays 9:45 - 11:15 h / PWR 57 V9.330
- Starting with the winter semester 2022, all lectures are recorded and made available for download in ILIAS. Information on the dates will be available in CAMPUS
Topics of the lecture series
Main Topics
- Topic 1: Fundamentals of X-ray crystallography
- 3D protein crystallization, crystal symmetries
- Bravais lattices, Fourier theory, Patterson function
- Ewald construction
- Solution of the phase problem
- Topic 2: Basics of Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Topic 3: Super-resolution microscopy
- Near-field optical microscopy and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM)
- Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) and Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM)
- Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscopy (STED)
- Near-field optical microscopy and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM)
- Topic 4: Methods for manipulating individual molecules
- Optical tweezers (Nussberger)
- Scanning Probe Microscopy (AFM, SNOM)
- Topic 5: Electrophysiological Methods
- Patch Clamp
- Single Molecule DNA Sequencing
- Droplet hydrogel bilayer
Smart to know
- An up-to-date overview with lecture dates can be found in CAMPUS.
- All documents are available for download in the ILIAS course.
- Bernhard Rupp, Biomolecular Crystallography: Principles, Practice, and Application to Structural Biology (Garland, 2010)
- Paul R. Selvin and Taekjip Ha, Single-Molecule Techniques (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2008)
- Igor N. Serdyuk, Nathan R. Zaccai and Jospeph Zaccai, Methods in Molecular Biophysics (Cambridge, 2007)
- Lottspeich, Engels (Hrsg.) Bioanalytik (Springer Spektrum)
- Joseph R. Lakowicz, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy (Springer, 2006)
- Seminar paper and lecture on a topic of molecular bioanalytics
- Submission of the seminar paper and date of the lecture: End of the semester
- Successful participation in the lab course