Tobamoviral nanocarriers for synthetic enzyme systems

8. August 2023

Wendlandt, Koch et al. & Wege (2023): A novel purification and enzyme installation system for engineered plant viruses

A novel adapter system for immunoaffinity-based construction of synthetic enzyme systems

Wendlandt T., Koch C., Britz B., Liedek A., Schmidt N., Werner S., Gleba Y., Vahidpour F., Welden M., Poghossian A., Schöning M.J., Eber F.J., Jeske H., Wege C. (2023). Facile Purification and Use of Tobamoviral Nanocarriers for Antibody-Mediated Display of a Two-Enzyme System. Viruses 15, 1951. doi: 10.3390/v15091951

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