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Sommer S, Münster A, Fehrentz J-A, Hauber W (2022). Effects of motivational downshifts on specific Pavlovian-instrumental transfer in rats. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 25(3): 173–184, doi: 10.1093/ijnp/pyab075
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- Roschlau C, Hauber W. (2017): Effects of dorsal hippocampus catecholamine depletion on paired-associates learning and place learning in rats. Behav Brain Res. 323:124-132.
- Sommer S, Hauber W. (2016): Ghrelin receptor activation in the ventral tegmental area amplified instrumental responding but not the excitatory influence of Pavlovian stimuli on instrumental responding. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 134 Pt B:210-5.
- Sommer S., Hauber W. (2015): N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the ventral tegmental area mediate the excitatory influence of Pavlovian stimuli on instrumental performance. Brain Struct Funct. 221(9):4399-4409.
- Roschlau C., Votteler A., Hauber W. (2016): Stimulant drug effects on touchscreen automated paired-associates learning (PAL) in rats. Learn Mem. 23(8):422-6.
- Mai B., Sommer S., Hauber W. (2015): Dopamine D1/D2 Receptor Activity in the Nucleus Accumbens Core But Not in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell and Orbitofrontal Cortex Modulates Risk-Based Decision Making. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2015 Apr 23;18(10):pyv043. doi: 10.1093/ijnp/pyv043.
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- Braun S., Hauber W., (2013) Acute stressor effects on goal-directed action in rats. Learn Mem. 20(12): 700-9.
- Pielock, S, Braun S., Hauber W. (2013) The effects of acute stress on Pavlovian-instrumental transfer in rats. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 13:174-85.
- Pielock S., Hauber W. (2013) Post-training glucocorticoid receptor activation during Pavlovian conditioning reduces Pavlovian-instrumental transfer in rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 104:125-31.
- Mai B., Hauber W. (2012) Intact risk-based decision making in rats with prefrontal or accumbens dopamine depletion. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 12:719-29
- Braun S., Hauber W. (2011) Striatal dopamine depletion produces variable effects on contingency detection: task-related influences. Eur J Neurosci. 35:486-95
- Mai B., Sommer S., Hauber W. (2011) Motivational states influence effort-based decision making in rats: role of nucleus accumbens dopamine Cogn. Affect. Behav. Neurosci. Oct 20
- Lex B., Sommer S., Hauber W. (2011) The role of dopamine in the dorsomedial striatum in place and response learning. Neuroscience, 172: 212-218.
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- Hauber W., Sommer S. (2009) Prefrontostriatal circuitry regulates effort-related decision making. Cereb Cortex 19 :2240-2247.
- Calaminus C., Hauber W. (2008) Modulation of behavior by expected reward magnitude depends on dopamine in the dorsomedial striatum. Neurotox Res 95: 97-110.
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- Schweimer J, Hauber W (2006) Dopamine D1 but not D2 receptors in the anterior cingulate cortex regulate effort-based decision making. Learning Memory. 13: 777-782.
- Calaminus C, Hauber W (2006) Intact discrimination reversal learning but slowed responding to reward-predictive cues after dopamine D1 and D2 receptor blockade in the nucleus accumbens of rats. Psychopharmacology, (epub online).
- Murschall A, Hauber W. (2006) Inactivation of the ventral tegmental area abolished the general excitatory influence of pavlovian cues on instrumental performance. Learning Memory, 13: 123-126.
- Murschall A, Hauber W (2005) Effects of a systemic AMPA/KA and NMDA receptor blockade on Pavlovian-Instrumental transfer. Psychopharmacology, 182: 290-296.
- Schweimer J, Saft S, Hauber W (2005) Involvement of catecholamine neurotransmission in the rat anterior cingulate in effort-related decision-making. Behav Neurosci, 119, 1687-1892.
- Schweimer J, Hauber W (2005) Involvement of the rat anterior cingulate cortex in control of instrumental responses guided by reward expectancy. Learning Memory, 12: 334-342.
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- Fuchs H, Nagel J, Hauber W (2005) Effects of physiological and pharmacological stimuli on dopamine release in the rat globus pallidus. Neurochemistry Int. 47: 474-481.
- Nagel J., Hauber W. (2004) Reverse microdialysis of dopamine D2 receptor antagonist alters extracellular adenosine levels in the nucleus accumbens. Neurochem. Int. 44: 609-614.
- Fuchs H, Hauber W. (2003) Reverse microdialysis of ionotropic glutamate receptor agonists increased dopamine in the rat globus pallidus. Neurosci. Lett., 343: 65-70.
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- Bohn I, Giertler C, Hauber W (2003) Orbital prefrontal cortex and guidance of instrumental behavior of rats by visuospatial stimuli predicting reward magnitude . Learning Memory 10:177-186.
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- Nagel J., Hauber W. (2002) Effects of salient environmental stimuli on extracellular adenosine levels in the rat nucleus accumbens measured by in vivo microdialysis. Behav. Brain Res., 134: 485-492.
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- Bayrhuber H., Drös R., Hauber W., Dietmair C., Feldermann D., Hansen T., Harms U., Heilemann J., Kull U., Müller O. , Renke B., Vorwerk K., (2019) Linder "BIOLOGIE" Gesamtband (Hrsg. H. Bayrhuber, R. Drös, W. Hauber) Westermann, Braunschweig
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