
Abteilung Biophysik / Nussberger Lab

Journal articles and cover images


Morphology remodeling and membrane channel formation in synthetic cells via reconfigurable DNA nanorafts. Fan, S., Wang, S., Ding, L.J., Speck, T., Yan, H., Nussberger, S. & Liu, N. Nature Materials 24: 278-286 (2025)

Press release at University of Stuttgart, New tool for synthetic biology

The TOM complex in the outer membrane of mitochondria: a supramolecular assembly for protein import. Nussberger, S., Ghosh, R. & Wang, S. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol.: 1-28, in press (2025)


3D DNA origami pincers that multitask on giant unilamellar vesicles. Zhan, P., Yang, J., Ding, L., Jing, X., Hipp, K., Nussberger, S., Yan, H. & Liu, N. Science Advances 10: 1-7, eadn8903 (2024)

New insights into the structure and dynamics of the TOM complex in mitochondria. Nussberger, S., Ghosh, R. & Wang, S. Biochemical Society Transactions 52: 911-922 (2024) (Journal cover)

Tracking the activity and position of mitochondrial β-barrel proteins. Wang, S. & Nussberger, S. Methods Mol. Biol. 2778: 221-236 (2024) (Journal cover)


Two conformations of the Tom20 preprotein receptor in the TOM holo complex. Ornelas, P., Bausewein, T., Martin, J., Morgner, N., Nussberger, S. & Kühlbrandt, W. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 120: e23014471 (2023) (Journal cover)

Single-molecule imaging of lateral mobility and ion channel activity in lipid bilayers using total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. Wang, S. & Nussberger, S. J. Vis. Exp. (JoVE) 192: 1-21 (2023)


Induction of 2-hydroxycatecholestrogens O-methylation: A missing puzzle piece in diagnostics and treatment of lung cancer. Musial, C., Knap, N., Zaucha, R., Bastian, P., Barone, G., Lo-Bosco, G., Lo-Celso, F., Konieczna, L., Belka, M., Baczek, T.,  Gammazza, A.M., Kuban-Jankowska, A., Cappello, F., Nussberger, S. & Gorska-Ponikowska, M. Redox Biology 55: 1-13, 102395 (2022)

Optical single-channel recordings reveal correlation between lateral protein diffusion and channel activity of TOM. Nussberger, S. & Wang, S. Nature Bioengineering Community Blog (2022)

Spatiotemporal stop-and-go dynamics of the mitochondrial TOM core complex correlates with three-state channel activity. Wang, S., Findeisen, L., Leptihn, S., Wallace, M.I., Hörning, M. & Nussberger, S. Communications Biology 5: 471, 1-11 (2022)


Spatiotemporal stop-and-go dynamics of the mitochondrial TOM core complex correlates with three-state channel activity. Wang, S., Findeisen, L., Leptihn, S., Wallace, M.I., Hörning, M. & Nussberger, S. Research Square 1-17 doi: 10.21203/ (2021) preprint

Correlation of mitochondrial TOM core complex stop-and-go and open-closed channel dynamics. Wang, S., Findeisen, L., Leptihn, S., Wallace, M.I., Hörning, M. & Nussberger, S. bioRxiv, 1-30 doi: (2021) preprint

Regulation of mitochondrial dynamics in 2-methoxyestradiol-mediated osteosarcoma cell death.  Gorska-Ponikowska, M., Batian, P., Zauszkiewicz-Pawlak, A., Ploska, A., Zubrzycki, A., Kuban-Jankowska, A., Nussberger, S., Kalinowski, L. & Kmiec, Z. Scientific Reports 11: 1616-1628 (2021)


In depth interrogation of protein thermal unfolding data with MoltenProt. Kotov, V., Mlynek, G., Vesper, O., Pletzer, M., Wald, J., Duarte, C., Celia, H., Garcia-Ali, M., Nussberger, S., Buchanon, S., Morais-Cabral, J., Loew, C, Djinovic-Carugo, K. & Marlovits, T. Protein Science 30: 201-217 (2020)

The structure of the TOM core complex in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Bausewein, T., Naveed, H., Liang, J. & Nussberger, S. Biological Chemistry 401: 687-697 (2020)


Nitric oxide and its derivatives in the cancer battlefield. Kamm, A., Przychodzen, P., Kuban-Jankowska, A., Jacewicz, D., Dabrowska, A.M., Nussberger, S., Wozniak, M. & Gorska-Ponikowska, M. Nitric Oxide: S1089-8603 (19) 30119-3 (2019)

Cryo-EM structure of the N. crassa respiratory complex IV. Bausewein, T., Nussberger, S. & Kühlbrandt, W. IUCrJ 6: 773-780 (2019)

The adoption of three-dimensional additive manufacturing from biomedical material design to 3D organ printing. Vikram Singh, A., Dad Ansari, M.H., Wang,  S., Laux, P., Luch, A., Kumar, A., Patil, R. & Nussberger, S.  Applied Sciences 9: 811 (2019)


2-Methoxyestradiol affects mitochondrial biogenesis and succinate complex flavoprotein subunit dehydrogenase A in osteosarcoma cancer cells.  Gorska-Ponikowska, M., Kuban-Jankowska, A., Eisler, S., Perricone, U., Lo Bosco, G., Barone. G. & Nussberger, S. Cancer Genomics Proteomics 15: 73-89 (2018)


Cryo-EM structure of the TOM core complex from Neurospora crassa.  Bausewein, T., Mills, D.J., Langer, J.D., Nitschke, B., Nussberger, S. & Kühlbrandt, W. Cell 170: 693–700 (2017)

2-Methoxyestradiol reverses the pro-carcinogenic effect of L-lactate in osteosarcoma 143B cells.  Gorska-Ponikowska, M., Kuban-Jankowska, A., Daca, A. & Nussberger, S. Cancer Genomics Proteomics 14: 483-493 (2017)


Reconstitution of OmpF into biomimetic block copolymer-phospholipid hybrid membranes.  Bieligmeyer, M., Artukovic, F., Nussberger, S, Hirth, T., Schiestel, T. & Müller, M. Beilstein J. Nanotech. 7: 881–892 (2016)


S-palmitoylation represents a novel mechanism regulating the mitochondrial targeting of BAX and initiation of apoptosis. Fröhlich, M., Dejanovic, B., Kashkar, H., Schwarz, G. & Nussberger, S. Cell Death & Disease 5 e1057: 1-9  (2014)


Polypeptide translocation through mitochondrial TOM channel: Temperature dependent rates at single molecule level. Mahendran, K.R., Lamichhane, U., Romero-Ruiz, M., Nussberger, S. & Winterhalter, M. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4: 78−82 (2013)


PHB granules are attchaed to the nucleoid via PhaM in Ralstonia eutropha. Wahl, A., Schuth, N., Pfeiffer, D., Nussberger, S., & Jendrossek, D. BMC Microbiology 12: 262 doi 10.1186/1471-2180-12-262 (2012)

Protein pores for nanotechnology applications. Nussberger, S., Gessmann, D., Christott, T., Arnold, T., Fertig, N., & Linke, D. In: Advances in Nanotechnology - Physics, Chemistry , and Biology of Functional Nanostructures.Schimmel Th., v. Löhneysen H. & Barczewski M. eds., Publisher: Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, ISBN 978-3-00-039257-3, pp 47-70 (2012)

Protein translocation through Tom40: Kinetics of peptide release. Mahendran, K.R., Romero-Ruiz, M., Schlösinger, A., Winterhalter, M., & Nussberger, S. Biophys. J. 102: 39-47 (2012)


Structural elements of the mitochondrial preprotein-conducting channel Tom40 dissolved by bioinformatics and mass spectrometry. Gessmann, D., Flinner, N., Pfannstiel, J., Schlösinger, A., Schleiff, E., Nussberger, S., & Mirus, O. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Bioenergetics 1807: 1647-1657 (2011)

Improving the resistance of a eukaryotic beta-barrel protein to thermal and chemical perturbations. Gessmann, D., Mager, F., Naveed, H., Arnold, T., Weirich, S., Linke, D., Liang, J., & Nussberger, S. J. Mol. Biol. 413: 150-161 (2011) 

Functional refolding and characterization of two Tom40 isoforms from human mitochondria. Mager, F., Gessmann, D., Nussberger, S. & Zeth, K. J. Membr. Biol. 242: 11-21 (2011)


LILBID-mass spectrometry of the mitochondrial preprotein translocase TOM. Mager, F., Sokolova, L., Lintzel, J., Brutschy, B., & Nussberger, S. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 22: 454132 (7pp) (2010) 

Interactions of mitochondrial presequence peptides with the mitochondrial outer membrane preprotein translocase TOM. Romero-Ruiz, M., Mahendran, K.R., Eckert, R., Winterhalter, M., & Nussberger, S. Biophys. J. 99: 774-81 (2010)

Porenproteine - Geschickt eingefädelt: Von Nanolöchern in Mitochondrien. Nussberger, S. labor & more 1.10: 30-33 (2010)


Dynamics of the preprotein translocation channel of the outer membrane of mitochondria. Poynor, M., Eckert, R. & Nussberger, S. Biophys. J. 95: 1511-22 (2008)


Gene duplication of the eight-stranded β-barrel protein OmpX produces a functional pore: A scenario for the evolution of transmembrane β-barrels. Arnold, T., Poynor, M., Nussberger, S., Lupas, A.N., & Linke, D. J. Mol. Biol. 336: 117-1184 (2007)

High level expression, refolding and probing the natural fold of the human voltage-dependent anion channel isoforms I and II. Engelhardt, H., Meins, T., Poynor, M., Adams, V., Nussberger, S., Welte, W., & Zeth, K. J. Membr. Biol. 216: 93-105 (2007)


Gap-junctional single-channel permeability for fluorescent tracers in mammalian cell cultures. Eckert, R. Biophys. J. 91: 565-579 (2006)


Diffusion behavior of gap junction hemichannels in living cells. Gerken, M., Thews, E., Tietz, C., Wrachtrup, J., Eckert, R. Curr. Pharmaceut. Biotechn. 6: 151-158 (2005)

Crosstalk free fluorescence cross correlation spectroscopy in living cells. Thews, E., Gerken, M., Eckert, R., Zäpfel, J., Tietz, C., Wrachtrup, J. Biophys. J. 89: 2069-2076 (2005)

Role of Tom5 in maintaining the structural stability of the TOM complex of mitochondria. Schmitt, S., Ahting, U., Eichacker, L, Granvogel, B., Go, N.E., Nargang, F.E., Neupert, W., & Nussberger, S. J. Biol. Chem. 280: 14499-14506 (2005)


Exchange of serine residues 263 and 266 reduces the function of mouse gap junction protein connexin31 and exhibits a dominant-negative effect on the wild-type Protein in HeLa cells. Diestel, S., Eckert, R., Hülser, D. & Traub, O. Exp. Cell Res. 294: 446-457 (2004)

Reconstituted TOM core complex and Tim9/Tim10 complex of mitochondria are sufficient for translocation of the ADP/ATP carrier across membranes. Vasiljev, A., Ahting, U., Nargang, F.E., Go, N.E., Habib, S.J., Kozany, C., Panneels, V., Sinning, I., Prokisch, H., Neupert, W., Nussberger, S. & Rapaport, D. Mol. Biol. Cell 15: 1445-1458 (2004)


Lens cell membranes. Kistler, J., Eckert, R., Donaldson, P. In: Development of the Ocular Lens, FJ Lovicu & ML. Robinson eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (2003)


Protein import into mitochondria of Neurospora crassa. Prokisch, H., Nussberger, S. & Westermann, B. Fung. Genet. Biol. 36: 85-90 (2002) (Journal cover)

The preprotein translocation channel of the outer membrane of mitochondria. Nussberger, S. & Neupert, W. In: Structure and Dynamics of Confined Polymers, Kasianowicz J.J. Kellermayer, M.S.Z., & Deamer, D.W., eds., NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, Boston, London, Vol. 87, 67-84 (2002)

Three dimensional reconstruction of the TOM core complex from electron micrographs. Ahting, U., Thun, C., Hegerl, R., Typke, D., Nargang, F.E., Neupert, W., & Nussberger, S. In: Cell Biology, Pollard T.D. & Earnshaw W.C., 1st edition, Saunders, Philadelphia USA, Fig. 19-1, p. 298 (2002)


Tom40, the main component of the protein conducting TOM channel in the outer membrane of mitochondria. Ahting, U., Thieffry, M., Engelhardt, H., Hegerl, R., Neupert, W. & Nussberger, S. J. Cell Biol. 153: 1151-1160 (2001).


Recognition of preproteins by the isolated TOM complex of mitochondria. Stan, T., Ahting, U., Dembowski, M., Künkele, K., Nussberger, S., Neupert, W., & Rapaport, D. EMBO J. 19: 4895-4902 (2000)


The TOM core complex: The general protein import pore of the outer membrane of mitochondria. Ahting, U., Thun, C., Hegerl, R., Typke, D., Nargang, F.E., Neupert, W., & Nussberger, S. J. Cell Biol. 147,:959-968 (1999) (Journal cover)

Electron micrograph and contour plots of averaged projection images representing the protein translocation machinery of the outer membrane of mitochondria. Nussberger, S. Biol. Chem. 380: 1138 (1999) (Journal cover)


The preprotein translocation channel of the outer membrane of mitochondria. Künkele, K.P., Heins, S., Dembowski, M., Nargang, F.E., Benz, R., Thieffry, M., Lill, R., Nussberger, S., & Neupert, W. Cell 93: 1009-1019 (1998)


Cloning and characterization of a proton-coupled mammalian metal ion transporter. Gunshin, H., Mackenzie, B., Berger, U.V., Gunshin, Y., Romero, M.F., Boron, W.F.,Nussberger, S., Gollan, L., & Hediger, M.A. Nature 388: 482-488 (1997)

Symmetry of H+ binding to the intra- and extracellular side of the H+-coupled oligopeptide transporter PepT1. Nussberger, S., Steel, A., Trotti, D., Romero, M.F., Boron, W.F., & Hediger, M.A. J. Biol. Chem. 272: 7777 - 7785 (1997)

Stoichiometry of neutral, basic and acidic peptide transport by the mammalian proton-dependent oligopeptide transporter PepT1. Steel, A., Nussberger, S., Romero, M.F., Boron, W.F., Boyd, C.A.R., & Hediger, M.A. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 498.3: 563-569 (1997)

Structure and pharmacology of proton-linked peptide transporters. Nussberger, S., Steel, A., & Hediger, M.A. J. Controlled Release 46, 31-38 (1997)

Differential modulation of the uptake currents by redox interconversion of cysteine residues in the human neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC1. Trotti, D., Nussberger, S., Volterra, A., & Hediger, M.A. Eur. J. Neurosci. 9: 2207-2212 (1997)


Non-radioactive monitoring of organic and inorganic solute transport into single Xenopus oocytes by capillary zone electrophoresis. Nussberger, S., Foret, F., Hebert, S.C., Karger, B.L., & Hediger, M.A. Biophys. J. 70: 998-1005 (1996)

The high affinity glutamate transporter family: Structure, function and physiological relevance. Kanai, Y., Trotti, D., Nussberger, S., & Hediger, M.A. In: Neurotransmitter Transporters: Structure, Function and Regulation, Reith, M.E.A., ed., Humana Press Inc., Totowa NJ, 171-213 (1996)


Mammalian ion-coupled solute transporters. Hediger, M.A., Kanai., Y., You, G., & Nussberger, S. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 432: S7-S17 (1995)

How peptides cross biological membranes. Nussberger, S., & Hediger, M.A. Exp. Nephrol. 3, 211-218 (1995) (Journal cover)

Electrogenic properties of the epithelial and neuronal high affinity glutamate transporter EAAC1. Kanai, Y., Nussberger, S., Romero, M.F., Boron, W.F., & Hediger, M.A. J. Biol. Chem. 270: 16561-16568 (1995)


Expression cloning of a mammalian proton-coupled oligopeptide transporter. Fei, Y.J., Kanai, Y., Nussberger, S., Ganapathy, V., Leibach, F.H., Romero, M.F., Singh, S.K., Boron, W.F., & Hediger, M.A. Nature 368: 563-566 (1994).

Spectroscopic characterization of three different monomeric forms of the main chlorophyll a/b binding protein from chloroplast membranes. Nussberger, S., Dekker, J.P., Kühlbrandt, W., van Bolhuis, B.M., van Grondelle, R., & van Amerongen, H. Biochemistry, 33: 14775-14783 (1994)

The neuronal and epithelial human high affinity glutamate transporter: Insights into structure and mechanism of transport. Kanai, Y., Stelzner, M., Nussberger, S., Khawaja, S., Hebert, S.C., Smith C.P., & Hediger, M.A. J. Biol. Chem. 269: 20599-20606 (1994)

Wavelength-selected polarized fluorescence of monomeric, trimeric and aggregated light harvesting complex II of green plants. Petermann, E.J.G., Dekker, J.P.,  van Grondelle, R.,  van Amerongen, H. & Nussberger, S. Lithuan. J. Phys. 34: 301-305 (1994)


Lipid-protein interactions in crystals of plant light-harvesting complex. Nussberger, S., Dörr, K., Wang, D.N., & Kühlbrandt, W. J. Mol. Biol. 234: 347-356 (1993)


Das Schubfachprinzip von Dirichlet. Nussberger, S. In: Unterrichtshilfen Mathematik: Die Facharbeit / Krywalsky, D., & Eggerer, W., eds., in Zusammenarbeit mit d. regionalen Fachberatern an Gymnasien. [Staatl. Inst. für Lehrerfort- u. -weiterbildung, Speyer] Manz, München, 237-253, ISBN 978-3-7863-0609-2 (1984)




Abteilung Biophysik, Institut für Biomaterialien und biomolekulare Systeme, Universität Stuttgart

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