We are looking for a PhD Student (m/f/d)

8. September 2020 /

We are looking for a PhD-student, who wants learn and explore signaling dynamics in cardiac tissues.

PhD-student (m/f/d) 

The Institute of Biomaterials and Biomolecular Systems, University of Stuttgart offers a PhD position in the team of Dr. Marcel Hörning. The position is available for a three-year appointment. Salary will be based on the pay scale for the public sector in Germany (TV-L) at 65% part time employment.

Your task:
You will be part of an interdisciplinary research team, which aims at gaining insights into biological systems with biophysical and computational methods to explore spatiotemporal dynamics under mechanical constraints. This specific project aims at understanding the developmental interaction of electro-mechanical dynamics and tissue organization that are responsible for undesirable wave pattern formation in the heart. Specific tasks include tissue culture and engineering of primary heart tissue, live imaging of wave propagation and data analysis.

Your qualifications:
PhD applicants should hold a M.Sc. / Diploma in life science or related subjects with cell culture experiences. We are looking for highly motivated candidates who are showing strong interest in interdisciplinary research and the desire to work at the interface of biology and computational physics. Previous experience in life imaging or statistical data analysis is an advantage. Good communication and writing skills in English are expected.

We offer:
- Interdisciplinary research environment and work in an international team
- Involvement in a DFG supported project
- Outstanding facilities and infrastructures 
- Individual and direct supervision by the principle investigator

Please submit your complete application, including a statement of research interests and a CV at marcel.hoerning@bio.uni-stuttgart.de until 1. January, 2021.

University of Stuttgart
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomolecular Systems (IBBS)
Biobased Materials Group
Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Dr. Marcel Hörning will be glad to answer any specific questions you may have. 

Please get in touch via telephone +49 711 685-69117 and /or email to

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