Tracking the activity and position of mitochondrial beta-barrel proteins. Shuo Wang et al. Methods Mol. Biol. 2778: 221-236 (2024)

14. März 2024 /

Total interference reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy of lipid bilayers is an effective technique for studying the lateral movement and ion channel activity of single integral membrane proteins. Here we describe how to integrate the mitochondrial outer membrane preprotein translocase TOM-CC and its beta-barrel protein-conducting channel Tom40 into supported lipid bilayers to identify possible relationships between movement and channel activity. We propose that our approach can be readily applied to membrane protein channels where transient tethering to either membrane-proximal or intramembrane structures is accompanied by a change in channel permeation.

For reference, see: Tracking the activity and position of mitochondrial β-barrel proteins. Wang, S. & Nussberger, S. Methods Mol. Biol. 2778: 221-236, doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3734-0_14 (2024) (Journal cover)



Abteilung Biophysik, Institut für Biomaterialien und biomolekulare Systeme, Universität Stuttgart

Pfaffenwaldring 57 , D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany

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