Umeshima et al., Neuroscience Research, 2019

13. Mai 2019 / Marcel Hörning

Local traction force in the proximal leading process triggers nuclear translocation during neuronal migration

Local traction force in the proximal leading process triggers nuclear translocation during neuronal migration
H. Umeshima, K. Nomura, S. Yoshikawa, M. Hörning, M. Tanaka, S. Sakuma, F. Arai, M. Kaneko and M. Kengaku
Neuroscience Research, 142, 38-48, 2019
doi : 10.1016/j.neures.2018.04.001

Brief Summary: ''...  we investigate the force dynamics generated during somal translocation using traction force microscopy. ... Our results suggest that the leading process is the site of generation of actomyosin-dependent traction force in long bipolar neurons, and that the traction force is transmitted to the nucleus via KASH proteins.''

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